Fri 03 Jan
Petite ★☆$∈Ӝⓨ New Girl 웃⇨⇨Last Day N Columbus⇦⇦ ♥◆♥◆♥ - 23
(Columbus, my 倫 Only! my place Only! limited urs)
mixed big breasted and highly experienced $50 special or $100 hour today only - 28
(Columbus, north columbus)
«{] JerSey_LiSiOuS [}» *JeRsEy* {] Top_ChOiCe [}« Bak° By° Demand° }» - 23
(Columbus, north columbus)
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, & as wild as they come;) lunch specials! - 22
(Columbus, west incall only (valleyview and hague))
NeW To ToWn•*¨¨*•ExoTiC COSTARICAN•*¨¨*• SATISFACTION •*¨¨*•IS•*¨¨*• MY •*¨¨*• BEST •*¨¨*• QUALITY! - 24
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city/surrounding areas)
★ New Sexy mouth watering Pix ★ Come Experience ★ entrancing bliss - 24
(Oklahoma City, clinton elk city)
Well Reviewed.- Weekend Specials Natural Blonde Cougar $25 off hr incall/AVAILABLE FOR OUTCALLS - 41
(Cleveland, Eastside suburb in call only)
...::: ((SmOKin)) * ((HoT)) * ((BrUnEtTe)) * ((bAbE)) * (( Back In TowN))** SPECIALS!! ::::... - 22
(**MeNtOr aReA**)
💄❤️💄S E X Y ✔️Blonde BOMBSHELL✔️Outcalls available NOW 💄❤️💄 hot 💟 SWEET💟 NEW 💟 - 24 - 24
(Cleveland, To your home)
♥ NeW ViSit0R (♥) LaTiNa L♥VeRs #1 ChoiCe!! ::LASt DAy ViSit:: ♥ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland iNCALL (North Olmsted) UP LAtE)
# ❶ . . . . MULATO DREAMGIRL ★ ..ೋ.. ★ DESCREET & SWEET . . . . # ❶ - 21
(Cleveland, ◆ B3@CHWoOD ◆)
LAST DAY💜Gabby❤👑$€×y $i©ilian Qu€€n👑WELL REVIEWED! Rates START @ $100 ➜ CALL NOW💋 - 22
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights INCALL only)
:¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: : ME :¦: :¦: - 21
I HAVE WHAT U WANT! Available 24/7! Real Woman.. Off W. 130th!.. - 33
(Cleveland, Cleveland West 130th area)
°°♥ °° I L L B E Y O U R D I R T Y L I L S E C R E T . °°♥ °° - 22
EXOTIC ♥ ♡ Sweet & Petite•º (¯`'•¸ ★ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) COME PLAY WITH ME! - NEW GIRL IN TOWN - 19
(Cleveland, -where ever you want outcall-)
WiLLie WonKa * WoULd LoVe 2 * HavE the * REciPE * 2 My CHoColATE * FaCtOrY!! - 24
(Mentor@rE@ In/OuTc@ll)
Beautiful▄▀ ❤ DDD44 (.)(.) ▀▄▀▄❤ InCAlls and Outcalls ▄▀▄▀ ❤ SpECiaLS ❤▄▀▄▀❤ - 24
(Cleveland, Cleve outcall to mentor/euclid/Willoughy)
BEST BR@INS IN BEACHWOOD !!!! SO DONT MI$$ OUT call now 313 421 9930 - - 25
50qv/100hhr/170hr...I'M the ONE & ONLY KrEaM...My 5🌟 SKILLZ CaN'T Be COPIED or DuPLiCaTeD - 29
(Cleveland, GaRfiELd HTS INCALL ONLY)
~Specials, Specials ,Specials...Yes i havin an all nite *SPECIAL*.... 110 - 20
~~Petite~~Sexy~~ Exotic~~ Barbie!! CUBAN lust sexy and MORE COME PLAY 24/7 - 20
(Cleveland, cleveland incall eastside)
Cup cake incall and outcall Lee and Harvard area216-203-0181 - 22
(Cleveland, Incall and outcall Lee area 216-203-0181)
2 girls for precious and evelyn call (216)882-4314/ 466-3859 - 24
(Cleveland, downtown/incalls/outcalls)
$240 an hour - Webcam Modeling - Hiring Women and Men
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Toledo, All Areas)
Upscale Housewife looking for a Discrete Midday Encounter - 43
(Portland, Lake Oswego, Downtown Hotels)
$$$ 80 $$$ SeXy CuBan mAmi .. I aiM tO pLeAsE...786** 423 **7962 ... ... ROXY :) - 25
(Miami, Okeechobee rd/ lejuene rd/hialeah/incall)
IN CALL Discount!, No Cell Phone Interuptions!!! PSE. Relax,.No Rushing here! No Upsale - 36
santa left your present for last!! come and get it.!!!!!405 8597218 is the number to call! ask for a - 30
(Oklahoma City, meridian and n.w. expressway)
💕ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕 👄τθρ Qυαℓιτγ🎀Rates on ad 💘• ABSOLUTELY 💎 SEXY•💛 ▒░ * 💛💕.•* (¯`• INCALL ONLY - 22
(Oklahoma City, Incall only upscale no out calls)
My New Years Resolution Is To Please You. (Greeneyed beauty) 405-473-4302 - 20
(Oklahoma City, North Macarthur)
█████ ███—— ★★—— NEW GIRL ARRIVED TODAY SEXY ASIAN GIRLS —— ◆♥❤❤❤♥◆New SPA★★★★★★★★★ - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city, Moore★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★)