Mon 27 Jan
👑💎Available 💎Last Days👑💎Ts Carolina👑💎 Sexy Mami👑💎⭐️CANDY💝💝TrasSexual Fantasy💗 - 24
(Bronx, Westchester Ave/158st/Jackson Ave 2,5)
TS:: JAMIE ------- CHEAK MY NEW Flix Out .------- VIDEO --- CREAMY -- Girl Next Door. VIDEO - 21
ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVE ⭐ S M O K i N G ⭐ H O T T ⭐ B U S T Y ⭐ V I P⭐ ƒOЯƎᎥ❡И ƒᗩИ✞ᗩᔕУ ⭐ - 22
(Bronx, Little Italy (Bronx zoo area ), Midtown West)
💙💛💜 💚YOUR 💖💙💜💛💚❤ FACE BETWeeN 💙 thee eZ ❤💜💚💛💙CHEEEEKS 😅💙❤💛💚💜❤EIGHTY ❤8@💙💚JAY❤on da MEMU❤💙💚💛💜❤💙💜 - 23
(Bronx, BRONX INCALLS & OUTCALLS 💙❤💜💛💚❤💙💜💛💚💙)
! TS Drayacoxx!! Top and Bottom.. Back in Town..,VERIFIED PICS - 26
(Bronx, Clinton Ave & 176th St.)
❤ YoUr FaVoRiTe PLaYmaTe❤❤ STUNNING*** ✨ EXOTIC GoDDessES✨Here 4 YouR PLeaSuRe - 22
(Queens, Queens Outcalls 24/7)
Real Ad W/ My Pics! Would U Rather Have "COUNTERFEITT"OR "REAL" Money! All I'm SAYING! - 25
(Bronx, Manhattan, 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫TEXT🚫🚫🚫🚫)
(¯`'•.¸ 💋 YoUr AfTeRnOoN WILL Be DeLiGhTFuLl CoMe EnJoY yOuRsELf💋 ¸.•'´¯) - 20
your personal bbw portuguese deliight. short big butt & mouth skillz that will leave u fiendin for m - 28
(boston road, Bronx)
*¨•☆ ¨*:• Sexy TS Candi 4 U -¨•☆ ¨*:• *****¨•☆ ¨*:• Incall/Outcall - 27
(Bronx, Castle hill/Bruckner Expwy)
No False Advertising .LAST 3 Days in the_ city_ LEAVING TOWN --u dont want to miss me!!! - 24
(BRONX 232street)
***Tons of Spring Fun *** Blue Eyed Beauty *** Great Rates ** And Very Fun !!!! - 29
(Memphis, cordova an surrounding areas)
█ •☆• █ √ N O W AVAiLABLE ☎ C A L L 786.567.7041 ☎ √ YOU WiLL CALL AGAIN █ •☆• █ - 21
(Memphis, Bartlett,Cordova,Germantown,In/OUT)
2 Hot Barbies Here Waiting For You To Call ( Specials Avaiable ) Incalls & OutCalls 100% Real Pics - 20
New up-to-date pics!!!!! Yes I'm real ! Upscale 34 dd blonde southern belle - 26
(downtown, Memphis)
Transsexual Escort Shows You The Best of Both Worlds! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Today Wednesday May 19th Last Day and Night Here In Philadelphia, Don't Miss Out!
(Philadelphia Stadium Area)
No games!! Serious calls only!! 0% BS!! Recent pics 100 incl New pics! Regs wntd !! - 32
(Columbus, So/ea)
SUPER ******** BRAZILIAN ******** MIXX-GIRL ********* LOOK perfect *** FeLL EvEN BeTTeR CaLL nOw! - 23
▓ ☆• T A Y L E R•☆ ▓ [💋αvαιℓabℓε now&Uplate;💋] - 24
(Memphis, 💋 All Of Memphis°●Downtown&Harbortown; :))
*(SpecialS 60&80Spl ¯`'•.¸. S E X I E S T ¸.•'´¯) I N T H E (¯`'•.¸C I T Y ¸.•'´¯)* - 23
(Memphis, Memphis,tn)
Sweet an petite ❤💙ooh soo Sexy . Sophia❤💙 new pics❤💙in an Outcall dz - 26
(Memphis, incall.east desto west downtown casino)
💋 steaming hot 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀🍀 OUTCALLS🍀 🍀🍀 🍀.🍀🍀 🍀 BUSTY IRISH BEAUTY🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀🍀 - 30
(Savannah, I COME TOO U)
... Marvelous Maven Monroe ~~~ Elite Sensualist ~~~ A Women of Substance - 49
(Houston Southwest, Southwest Houston)
( BLONDE) --- ( )------------- ((((( H O T ))) SEE VIDEO VISITING - 29
(Savannah, Savannah Visiting)
You demanded it, Absolutely Gorgeous is back! Bella & Ela! Now hiring! - 22
(Savannah, Savannah and surrounding areas)
Married Woman to Show You the Time of Your Life! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
*-:¦:-* ❤ *"M.a.k.i.n.g D.r.ea.m.s. C.o.m.e T.r.u.e"*-:¦:-* ❤ F.o.r Y.o.u - 23
(Columbus {Upscale})
❥ $$$ SPECiAL, SPECiAL, SP3CiAL, D0N'T MiSS 0UT $$$ ❤ H0T, R3ADY, & AvAiLAbLe N - 22
(Memphis, Memphis,tn)
★°*° SiMpLy IrRiSIsTaBle... LoNg LeGged StRaWberRy BlonDe °*°★ - 26
(E. Memphis/I-40 E/Exit 12/Sycamore)
Long Legs.. Petite.. Extremely Sweet . . The Jamaican Goddess 🏠🚗 💋 2 girl Avail.. 💦 - 19
(Columbus, E Columbus(in)(outs all over))
(( SPeCiaL)) * J U i C Y * * L i P S * * F R e a K y ! * * L A t i N A * - 21
lllllll lllllllll*:* NEW GIRL :*;¤ °·50* 15m & 70* 30m special *:¤°·. AMEINA :*:*°¤ llllll - 19
(Columbus, south eastside columbus. out/in calls)
Mary Jane 👸🏼💎petite & fleXiBlE💎bush airport and beltway 8 100 roses for 30 min (346-801-9295) - 19
(bush airport and beltway 8, City of Houston, Houston)
One wonderful experiment u will enjoy. Gentlemans. - 30
(Savannah, savannah and surrounding counties)
SmokinG HoT BarbiE (PluS HoT VideO AvailablE) I'm VerY AddictivE - 22
(Brooks/Elvis Presley, Memphis, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)